Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome 2014! Is Zoie really almost 6 months old!?

And you know the best part about 2014? JAMES COMES HOME!

Finally, we can see the finish line! I can't tell you exactly when, but my hubby will be back soon from his deployment!

It's been quite the ride being a solo-mama for the last 5 months. Fortunately, we've been blessed to have a happy, healthy, easy-going little girl! Both our families have been a huge help with keeping me and Zoie busy - time has flown by! And what would I do without them to help take care of our house and vehicles? Zoie and I have been well cared for, and we're very thankful!

Zoie had her first Christmas here in Kansas with
both sets of grandparents, and her uncle Thomas!

Now that Zoie is nearing 6 months, her personality is blossoming. I'm beginning to see what kind of toddler and kid she's going to be. It's pretty exciting watching her become her own little person!

She likes to do things on her own!

So... about those [various] bottles I kept trying to feed Zoie with? She has refused every time. But a sippy cup with handles and a nice sturdy spout to play with? Zoie loves it! She can't get enough! She needs more practice with actually drinking the liquid (we've been practicing with water), but it's one of her favorite activities!

Zoie also insists on sitting up. Leaning back in a nice recline? Nope, not for her. She loves sitting upright in her Inglesina high chair and being involved at the table. The BabyBjorn bouncy seat I thought was so cool? Now she won't tolerate it for more than a couple minutes, it leans back too far!

It goes without saying that she still doesn't like being cradled when held... unless she's super super tired!

She has started laughing, rolling over, and scooting!

Zoie started laughing at Brownie chasing her tail last week! I mean, Brownie did look ridiculous, but Zoie found it hilarious! It was such a joy to hear. I get lots of little giggles and tons of smiles, but only that one true laughing spell. Since then, I've been trying all sorts of goofy things to try and get Zoie into another fit of giggles. I'm sure my dog is silently laughing at my crazy attempts...

Morning giggles!

This girl likes to move! I can tell she's going to be all over the place as soon as she's mobile. She's awesome at rolling onto her belly, but gets stuck (like a reverse turtle?) and can't quite roll back yet (besides a few surprise rolls!).  She has also learned to arch her back and push her legs to scoot backwards! Looks pretty uncomfortable to scoot on the back of your head, but I'm not going to judge.

And now introducing... FOOD!

I know it's recommended to wait until the baby is 6 months old before starting solids, but man that's hard to do! Zoie already steals fistfuls of food, grabs onto beverages (watch your beer and hot coffee!), and tries to suck on silverware and plates.

So, I've followed her cues and have let her taste a few things.

First up? Steamed carrots! Verdict: not a fan. To be fair, I did burn them a teeny bit... but I thought they tasted okay!

Next up? Apple! Verdict: an interesting flavor, and a good texture to gnaw on. The other day I was eating a tasty Fuji, and Zoie (as usual) wanted it. So I nibbled off the skin and offered it to her. She went for a combination of latching onto it, and gnawing it with her little gums. So funny to watch!

Nomnomnom... I even gave her a chunk to hold on her own!

I think baby-led weaning is the best route for Zoie, since she prefers to use her hands and be in control. For those of you unfamiliar with BLW, it just means giving your baby food they can pick up and feed themselves, instead of the parent spoon-feeding purees. Since she'll still be nursing until at least 12 months (probably longer, she's a big fan of the boob), we won't have to worry about her getting the nutrients she needs. The first year is all about practice and trying new flavors!

The next time I post, our little family will be TOGETHER again! Zoie can't wait for her daddy to return, she has so many exciting things to share with him! She was a tiny, sleepy 4-week-old newborn when James deployed - she is now a spunky, bubbly, chatterbox of a baby that's almost 6 months old!

Somebody's excited for their daddy to return!

Happiness awaits :)

