Sunday, March 1, 2015

15 Weeks - Starting to Prep for Baby #2!

A very comfy outfit!
15 weeks! Our little baby is developing taste buds right now!

Weeks seem to be flying by. I'm going to blink and all of a sudden I'll be 30-something weeks and nesting like crazy!

We're moving from Kansas to California in a few months, so most of our baby preparation will wait until we get to our new home. However, we did buy a double stroller a few weeks ago! After browsing Craigslist for a few weeks, I found a Phil and Ted's Vibe stroller! I bargained for a great deal, and we're pretty happy with our new stroller. It has big inflatable wheels that roll smoothly, and there are several seating configurations for two kids. The city we're moving to has a Stroller Strides fitness class, so I'm ready to be a fit mama! All we need is the newborn Cocoon attachment and we'll be set.

I've also been thinking a lot about sleeping arrangements and room-sharing. Our new baby will sleep in a mini crib by our bed for the first several months, but I think by 6 months we'll be ready to transition our baby to his/her own room. We had Zoie sleeping on her floor bed in her room at 6 months old, which worked out really well.

So I'm wondering, would it work to have two floor beds in a shared room? Would either kiddo interfere with the other's sleep? We could try a real crib for the second baby, but I'm not a huge fan. It's hard to carefully lower a sleeping baby deep into a crib when I'm only 5'2! And what about easy nighttime nursing laying down on the baby's bed?

Perhaps it would work if we elevated Zoie's mattress with a small bed or frame. At least then the new baby wouldn't be able to crawl up and climb on Zoie when they're both (supposed to be) sleeping.

Oh well, lots to think about! Here's this week's pregnancy update:

How far along are you? 15 weeks as of Friday.
How big is Baby?
 Our little baby is about 4 inches long, and weighs about 2.5 ounces. He/she is the size of an apple.

Weight Gain? 4 pounds so far.

Gender? We have to wait a few more weeks! Still predicting a boy. With Zoie we got to find out the gender at 18 weeks, but with this baby we'll have to wait until after 20 weeks.

Maternity Clothes? I've been wearing my slightly looser jeans and leggings and staying pretty comfortable. Tried on my Gap maternity jeans, definitely not big enough for those yet.

Sleep? Some nights I sleep deeply, other nights not as much. Still going to the bathroom at least twice per night! I definitely won't miss that about pregnancy.

Movement? I still don't notice the movement very often, but here and there I feel a little bit of pressure and pokes.

Food Cravings? I've re-discovered fried eggs. YUM! Other than that, there's not much I've craving or averse to. The taste of salt is pretty intense for me, so I've been avoiding really salty food. I often need James to taste whatever I'm cooking to make sure I've seasoned it enough. It's funny, my intense taste of salt is one of the first pregnancy signs I experienced! I knew I was pregnant even before my test read positive.

Labor Signs? Nope, nothing yet.

Symptoms? My emotions run all over the place. I can get upset about the dumbest things.

What I miss? I miss shopping for regular clothes. Since I'm not bumping out yet, it's easy to forget I'm pregnant and be tempted to buy cute clothes. But that seems a little pointless right now...

Best moment(s) of the week? My sister-in-law and her family visited for a few days this last week, and we had a lot of fun hanging out with them. Zoie loved having playdates with her cousins at the library, discovery center, and open gym! We all got to enjoy a few dinners together too. It was sad to say goodbye!

What I am looking forward to? After several inches of snow this weekend, we're getting warm weather next weekend. It's supposed to be in the mid-50's. Dog park, playground, and long walks here we come! Maybe even the zoo?



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