Saturday, February 14, 2015

We have an announcement...

 We're pregnant with Baby Bowen #2!

It's such a blessing to have another little one on the way - we couldn't be more excited! Zoie is going to love being a big sister. I love thinking about our little family blossoming into a big bunch. We have a beautiful adventure ahead of us! The companionship, the chaos, the memories. 

Being pregnant this time around is a pretty different experience. I'm about 13 weeks along right now, so my due date is August 21st. My symptoms are pretty similar, but I keep forgetting I'm pregnant while I'm chasing Zoie around all day. There's no time to daydream about the tiny one inside me, or spend all my time researching the best baby products and planning the nursery. What if it's a girl? We won't need to prepare for much at all! I'm kind of hoping it's a boy, just so I can have some fun redesigning Zoie's room into a shared girl/boy toddler room/nursery.

We've narrowed potential names down to a couple that we love, but of course we're keeping it hush hush for another couple months. It was hard to find a girl name we loved as much as Zoie Elizabeth, but we did!

Zoie loves to point at my belly and say "baby!", and she loved seeing the baby during our 12-week ultrasound. Baby dolls are her favorite toy to play with, so I think she'll be quite pleased she's getting her very own brother or sister to spend time with. I love watching her play with her dolls and animals - she wraps them in blankets, sings and rocks them to sleep, and makes sure to offer them food and water. She even wrapped a banana in a blanket and pretended it was drinking from her water bottle, sound effects and everything!

She's almost 19 months now, and she's the most hilarious little person I've ever met. She comes up with the funniest ideas, and is such a joy to watch. Of course, she gets upset about equally hilarious things, and it takes quite a bit of effort to remember that her sad feelings are real for her! "You cut the peel on my banana? How could you!?" ... or "Why can't I play on my bouncy toy over the hard tile floor? I don't want to play on the carpet!" ...Usually some hugs and redirecting cheer her up.

I keep imagining life with a newborn and a toddler. Our baby carriers are going to get a workout! I love my soft Happy wrap and Maya sling for tiny babies. Zoie was held or worn most of the time when she was a newborn, so I'm pretty sure we'll be wearing our new baby most of the time while we chase Zoie! I LOVE babywearing - it's so nice to be hands-free while snuggling your baby. Not to mention keeping their temperature and body systems regulated by being close to you!

Just like with Zoie, I'll be posting pregnancy updates and bump pictures every Friday! It'll be fun to compare week by week with last time.

Happy Valentine's Day and have a great weekend!



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