Tuesday, July 9, 2013

38 weeks - Only 2 weeks away!

Hey everyone!

38 weeks!
We're at the two-week countdown until our due date! Since due dates are really just an estimate, I didn't think due dates were that significant. However, due dates matter when your doctor wants to induce you at 40 weeks because your baby looks small!

At our 26 week ultrasound, Zoie's estimated measurements put her in the 33rd percentile. At our 36 week ultrasound, Zoie's estimated measurements dropped her to the 12th percentile. Has her growth rate really dropped that much? Not necessarily. My doctor explained that the two different ultrasound technicians might have measured her slightly differently, and in general, accurate ultrasound measurements are more difficult to obtain as the baby gets bigger. BUT, if Zoie's 39 week ultrasound measurements put her as low as the 5th percentile, my doctor said that's a good indication that Zoie will thrive better outside my womb than inside.

It's sad to think that my body might not be providing Zoie what she needs to grow normally. I've been eating nutritious food, getting plenty of calories, taking my prenatal vitamins and DHA, exercising every day, getting enough sleep and staying stress-free. What more can I do?

On the other hand, there's a good chance that Zoie is growing exactly the way she is supposed to be growing. The great news is that her growth is symmetrically proportioned: she's just petite! Some babies are just smaller than others, just like some people are smaller than other people. And maybe the estimated measurements from the ultrasounds are completely off - it happens pretty regularly (just ask my sister-in-law - her "10lb" baby turned out to be a 7lb baby!).

We're anxious for Monday the 15th - our 39th week ultrasound that will determine Zoie's latest growth percentile. Above the 5th percentile? We can let labor start naturally up to 42 weeks. Below the 5th percentile? My doctor will want to induce labor on my due date. Come on Zoie, grow!!!

In other news, my group B strep test results were negative, yay! No IV of antibiotics during labor for me. Also at Wednesday's appointment, I had my first NST (a "non-stress test" - 10-30 minutes of laying down with a belly monitor measuring baby's movement and corresponding increasing/decreasing heart rate). My doctor was very pleased with Zoie's strong movements and healthy heartbeat patterns.

I'm optimistic and happy that we have a healthy baby, but we just need a little reassurance that her small size is not indicative of a problem. Now... I wonder if any of those methods of inducing labor naturally actually work? Might be time to try :-) Except castor oil, gross!

Here's what an average baby at 38 weeks of development looks like:

Baby, fetus at 38 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along are you? 38 weeks today - only 2 weeks until our due date!
How big is Baby?
At 38 weeks, babies average about 6.8lb and measure 19.5 inches in length. I'm sure Zoie is a bit smaller than that, but who really knows... Maybe she'll surprise us all and be 10lb at birth!

Weight Gain? This morning's weight was 155.5lb, total weight gain = 24 pounds.

Gender? Little baby GIRL!

Maternity Clothes? Yes indeed. Only a few more weeks! I wonder how quickly I'll be able to wear my normal clothes (and look good in them!)?

Sleep? Sleep hasn't been too bad. Except for going to the bathroom 3-6 times each night, and some pretty wild dreams (my latest one involved getting stranded in a big city with George Bush!).

Movement? Zoie continues to wiggle all the time! She's getting so big and strong- it's funny to watch my belly jerk around. She still tickles me down by my hips (maybe she's practicing grasping with her hands?), and pokes out her tush above my belly button.

Food Cravings? Chocolate, citrus, and dairy.

Labor Signs? I think I might have started feeling some Braxton-Hicks contractions this week. No sensations of muscle cramping, but sometimes I can feel with my hands that my whole belly hardens for like a minute. Then my belly softens to where I could massage it with my hands.

Belly Button in or out? Hasn't poked out any further lately, yay!

What I miss? Well, I continue to miss my old body. My balance is off, I'm heavy, and because of my diastasis recti, I have literally no strength in my abdominal muscles!

Best moment(s) of the week? What a wonderful long weekend! It felt great to have so much free time to do whatever we wanted. On the 4th, we enjoyed a BBQ and a local fireworks show. James and I also saw Despicable Me 2 (great movie!), brought a picnic to park, took our puppy on some long walks, and enjoyed lots of sleeping in. Gotta get in all the relaxing we can before baby comes!

What I am looking forward to? This is James' last week of work before taking some vacation time. We're so anxious for Zoie to arrive!



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