Tuesday, July 2, 2013

37 weeks - FULL TERM!

Hello y'all!

37 weeks!
Today we're officially full term at 37 weeks (and I think we've gone through a belly growth spurt). Zoie could potentially arrive any day! My little bun should stay in the oven for another 3 weeks, but things would be okay if she came now. Hopefully she's packing on some baby fat since she measured a little small during the ultrasounds - she needs a little extra weight since breastfed newborns lose 7-10% of their body weight during the first 5-7 days.

We've been putting together our hospital duffel bag- just in case! Here's what's on our packing list:

-toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss
-shampoo, conditioner, soap, razor, deodorant, moisturizer
-makeup and face wipes
-toilet paper (I don't want cheap crumbly paper the hospital might have!)
-nursing pads and maxi pads

-yoga pants and athletic shorts
-tee shirt and tank top
-short lightweight robe
-regular nursing bra and sports nursing bra, and several pairs of underwear
-2 pairs of swim trunks (in case James wants to join me in the hot tub!)
-flip flops

-Bose SoundLink (My playlist involves a lot of Florence + the Machine) and charger
-iPad and charger
-camera, memory card, and charger
-cell phones and chargers

Comfort items:
-snacks (granola bars, dried fruit, squeezable packets of honey peanut butter)
-gum, mints, and hard candy
-CamelBak/Nalgene bottles
-yoga mat (so I can stretch and kneel on the floor if I'd like to during labor)
-my own pillow with a waterproof cover
-some type of aromatherapy

For Zoie:
-2 outfits (for photos?) and 2 onesies
-lightweight hat and mittens
-diapers and wipes (although the hospital usually provides these)
-swaddle blankets
-burp cloths and bibs
-Boppy nursing pillow (with water-resistant cover)
-Maya Wrap baby carrier
-Mamascarf nursing cover
-car seat

-box of chocolates for the nurses
-printed copies of our birth plan

We're starting to feel more prepared for labor. Funny how it's such a waiting game - it could happen now, or 5 weeks from now! I've been working on a brief birth plan to bring to the hospital - mostly just asking the medical team to help us achieve a natural birth. I'm worried about making the hospital staff upset if I get too defensive about non-emergency interventions they might potentially pressure on me. I don't want to turn anyone against me, but I'm very particular about what is going to happen to my body and my baby.

Did you know that fear and adrenaline can actually pause the progression of labor? I'll need to find ways to stay relaxed, feel safe, and keep my mind focused during labor. James is going to be a huge help talking to the staff for me, and being my support through everything. I'm pretty excited for everything to start happening, I can't wait to meet our daughter!

Here's our girl at 37 weeks of development:

Baby, fetus at 37 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along are you? 37 weeks today - we're having a baby this month! (I hope!)
How big is Baby?
This week, Zoie's average weight should be about 6 and 1/3 pounds and should measure about 19 inches long, but I'm guessing she's still smaller than average based on her ultrasounds.

Weight Gain? Morning weight was 154.8 - WHEW! Gained almost 2 pounds this week. I think Zoie is going through a growth spurt! My belly is feeling huge and heavy. Total weight gain = 23.3lb

Gender? We're having a girl!

Maternity Clothes? Yep! I have to do laundry more frequently to make sure my limited maternity wardrobe is clean. I resorted to stealing one of James' t-shirts the other day...

Sleep? Actually pretty decent! Except... Leg cramps are still an issue. Even though we've discovered that pointing my toes triggers the muscle cramps, it's hard to control flexing/pointing/stretching when I'm half-asleep dreaming. A moment before my latest cramp occurred, I was coming out of a dream and stretched my legs, and then snapped awake when I realized I was pointing my left toes. I knew I was doomed. A split second later, a searing cramp burned its way into my left calf! GAH! Dumb sleepy brain, don't let me do that!

Movement? As usual, Zoie is moving all the time. It's borderline-painful sometimes when she's shifting around and stretching out my abdomen. It feels like she's trying to knock down walls and expand her house!

Food Cravings? Citrus and dairy have continued to be favorites.

Labor Signs? Still no Braxton-Hicks contractions that I've noticed, but Zoie is dropping lower in my abdomen. Her legs still reach up and kick my ribs, but her head is super low in my pelvis.

Belly Button in or out? Still looks about the same as previous weeks.

What I miss? Starting to miss my old body more and more - it's no fun being so heavy! I can't wait to shed weight and become more limber, agile, and regain strength in my core.

Best moment(s) of the week? Going out for dinner and drinks with friends during a hurricane-like lightening storm (thanks Nate for the shot of lemonade, haha!), buying fresh produce at the farmers market, going to World War Z (intense!), watching our little 12lb puppy outrun every other dog at the dog park, shopping and lunch with my mother-in-law in the cute historic town of Abilene, and fishing on the lake (and catching a little white bass!).

What I am looking forward to? Of course, the 4th of July weekend! James has Thursday and Friday off, so we're looking forward to a long weekend of fireworks, BBQs, and family.



1 comment:

  1. One more thing to take with you - flexibility with your plan. It is great to have a plan and goal and work toward that - with babies, things can change and change quickly, so be flexible and go with the flow, even if it's not quite as you had it pictured.
    Looking forward to her joining the family and seeing pictures. Best wishes.
