Friday, August 23, 2013

5 weeks old - Now begins the solo mama-ing

Hello everyone!

Our little Zoie is just over 5 weeks old now, and she has changed so much! She's right at 8lb (according to our scale), and her face is maturing more every day. She has gotten so good at breastfeeding, sleeps longer stretches during the night, and seems happier during her awake time. I'm so thankful that James was here for the first month of Zoie's life so we could work through the tough newborn issues together!

Now that James is deployed overseas for several months, Zoie and I are working on our daily schedule together. I'm learning to do more things one-handed while carrying Zoie, and we've been using our different wraps/baby carriers around the house. Zoie LOVES to be held! It pretty much soothes any fussing unless she's hungry.


I've learned the art of breastfeeding while carrying Zoie in one arm! This frees me up to walk around and do things around the house. Of course, I can't imagine this will work when she's older/heavier, but I'm enjoying our flexibility for now.

Breastfeeding has become sooo much easier - it might hurt for a second as she's latching on, but it's not uncomfortable once she's eating. One of the most frustrating obstacles we overcame was latching on when my breasts were too full. Understandably, Zoie would get really frustrated if milk was squirting out onto her face! She kept slipping around and couldn't latch on, which made me have to put her down (fussy and upset) to hand-express some milk into the sink. SO glad those days are over, she finally got the hang of it! She can latch onto a fire hose now :-)


Sleep has improved a lot. Zoie suddenly changed from waking up every 2 hours to feed, to sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches! It's amazing, and the timing couldn't be more perfect now that I'm her only caretaker during the night. She's also getting better at falling back asleep after I change her diaper and feed her. Being less delirious at nighttime makes me enjoy our night feeds a lot more!

As much as she loves to be held, Zoie is pretty good about sleeping in her mini crib at night. Once she is nursed, swaddled, and rocked to sleep, I'll lay her down and keep my hands rocking her gently until she drifts deeper into sleep. This usually works (and she falls asleep fast!), but sometimes she'll wake up shortly after (sometimes several times...) and I'll need to sooth her again.

As of the past 2 weeks, Zoie has been waking up around 2:30am for a diaper change and feeding, and again around 6:30am. During her first wake-up, Zoie stays pretty drowsy and falls asleep quickly when I lay her back in the crib. The after the 6:30am wake-up, she's a bit more chipper and I'll pull her into bed with me, and she'll sleep on her tummy on my chest for another two hours. We usually get up around 8:30am, and head out on our daily 2 mile walk!


We haven't started really cloth diapering yet, our Thirsties Duo Wraps are pretty big on her. However, we have four Tots Bots TiniFit Cloth Diapers, which I use every couple days when I do laundry. They're adorable, and they're made out of this plush minky material on the inside! They are all-in-one (cover + absorbent layer), so you use them like you would disposable diapers. Remove the diaper and toss it in the diaper pail. Wash them with Rockin Green detergent and you're good to go!

It's been about a week without James here, and it's definitely been a little more difficult. Luckily, my in-laws live 30 minutes away, and my parents are flying in soon for a visit! It's nice to have so much family around. I can't really complain when my life revolves around my baby, my family, and my puppy. Life is good :-)



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