Tuesday, January 15, 2013

13 weeks! The news is out!

Coming July 2013...!!!

James and I finally made our news public by emailing our friends and family this photo, and posting it on Facebook. It's so much fun to share our excitement with the world!

We spent an awesome sunny day in Panama City on Saturday with our puppy Brownie and a few friends, and were able to take some great photos! Being from the Northwest, it still amazes me how mild the winter weather is here in the South. We spent ALL DAY on the BEACH! James got sunburned! It's JANUARY!

This weekend we're meeting some friends in Atlanta, staying downtown, and spending our days shopping, eating at delicious restaurants, going to the huge aquarium, the zoo, and the World of Coke.

Life has been busy! In less than 2 months, we'll be living in Kansas. In less than 7 months, we'll have a NEWBORN BABY!

I actually just watched a clip of Kim Kardashian (who is also due in July!!) talking about her pregnancy, and she mentioned how everything is still sinking in for her. It doesn't quite feel real yet. I feel the same way! There haven't been too many changes yet. Well, except food preferences, emotions, sleepiness... So okay, James might remind me of a few.
Baby, fetus at 13 weeks - BabyCenter

These little surveys are everywhere on pregnancy blogs! And of course they're fun, so I'll join in :-)

How far along are you? 13 weeks today! (Every Tuesday marks a new week!)

How big is Baby? About 3 inches long, and almost 1oz! 

Weight Gain? Right before I became pregnant, I was at 131.5, and yesterday I was 131.8.

Gender? Not sure yet, but we're SO excited to find out! We have to wait until 18 weeks for the ultrasound. 

Maternity Clothes? Nope! Though I have purchased some really cute clothes I'm excited to grow into :) 

Sleep? Pretty normal. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

Movement? Nothing. I read that some women feel the baby move as early as 13-16 weeks! So I'm on the lookout for butterfly flutters. 

Food Cravings? Not so much cravings as preference changes. I LOVE fruit and citrus. Sour things taste amazing. I've never before been much of a juice-drinker, and now I love having grapefruit juice every day! On the other hand, I really don't like chicken. The texture and smell bother me. 

Labor Signs? Nope!

Belly Button in or out? In, looks normal.

What I miss? I miss sushi. Spicy tuna rolls, mmmm! And it would be nice to enjoy a beer, glass of wine, or you know, champagne for New Year's. But all in all, it doesn't make much of a difference. I DO miss snowboarding though.

Best moment of the week? Enjoying friends, puppies, and sunshine at Panama City Beach on Saturday! 

What I am looking forward to? EVERYTHING in these next few months! Weekend trip to Atlanta, spending 4 days at Disneyworld with James' sister, nephew and mom, finding out the gender of our baby, and moving to Kansas!!



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