Wednesday, January 23, 2013

14 weeks - Hello second trimester!

First trimester down, two more to go!

It's been a great week. It's been so much fun sharing the pregnancy news with everyone! Of course we told our close family and friends about 2 months ago, but it's a relief not to keep it under wraps anymore.

You know that announcement photo I posted last week? I must admit, the sand picture was very difficult to take! Of course the only smooth sections of sand were next to the water. And of course the tide was rising. We must've drawn about 10 messages in the sand before taking the photo in time! It went a little like, "FOOTPRINT! Footprint! Baby prints! JAMES WRITE THE MESSAGE QUICK!" and then the wave sneaks up and washes past our ankles. Right before the camera clicks... Start over! (So, hopefully no one notices that one of the hastily-made baby prints only has 4 toes... haha!)

Anyways, James and I drove over to Atlanta for the 3-day weekend! We met up with our friends Rick & Sara, and we had a great time exploring the city. We saw massive whale sharks at the aquarium, watched a dolphin show, and tasted 64 different types of soda from countries all over the world at the World of Coke (gaahh sugar overload)! Atlanta has some amazing restaurants, and we luckily picked a few delicious ones! Thank you, Tripadvisor and Yelp.

The playoffs on Sunday was another exciting event. Atlanta has got SPIRIT! We watched the game at a bar/restaurant, ordered buffalo wings and beer (ahem, I had a slice of key lime pie instead... it's okay, I'm pregnant!), and cheered as this old white-haired man raced around the restaurant waving a Falcons flag every time Atlanta scored! Soon enough, some San Francisco fan scrawled GO 49ers on a napkin, and ran around the restaurant waving his "flag" when THEY scored!

Next week, I'll be at Disney World in Orlando! I've been looking forward to this trip for months, I can't believe it's next week! I'm hoping I can still go on a fair amount of the rides as a pregnant lady, but I'm looking forward to enjoying the atmosphere, the food, and spending time with family! It's going to be so fun to watch my 5-year-old nephew get excited about everything. This will be his last big trip before becoming a big brother (my sister-in-law is pregnant, due this spring!).

Apparently, baby can now squint, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb! ... I guess I should start drinking more water... we're both peeing now! So weird.

How far along are you? 14 weeks as of yesterday

How big is Baby?  Around 3.5 inches long, and weighs 1.5 ounces. About the size of a lemon!

Weight Gain? This morning I weighed 132.5, so I've gained a pound! No baby bump yet.

Gender? Only 4 more weeks and we'll get to find out!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet. Some pants are definitely feeling snug around the waistline though. I got a BeBand from Target, which I'll be wearing pretty soon to make my regular pants more comfortable.

Sleep? Still normal. I'm trying to slowly wean myself off sleeping on my back, because big-bellied pregnant ladies are not supposed to lie flat on their backs! 

Movement? Nothing. But I can't wait to feel the flutters!

Food Cravings? I notice random taste preference changes, but not really cravings. Nowadays I enjoy milk chocolate more than dark (a strange change for me!), and I don't like pickles that much anymore.

Labor Signs? Nah. 

Belly Button in or out? In as usual. 

What I miss? I'm getting a teenie bit tired of being the only one not drinking... every social gathering, football game, party, dinner outing...

Best moment of the week? Being in Atlanta and eating at some AMAZING restaurants! Fried green tomatoes with sharp white cheddar and strawberry jam. Crazy amazing appetizer.

What I am looking forward to? One week from today, I'll be driving down to Orlando to spend 4 days at Disney World! It's going to be awesome to spend time with my nephew, sister-in-law (who is also pregnant!) and mother-in-law! We're leaving the husbands behind-- girl's trip!



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