Tuesday, February 19, 2013



We couldn't be happier, this is SO exciting! The ultrasound appointment was amazing, so much fun to watch our little girl wiggling around! It only took a few minutes before she uncurled her legs from sitting Indian style, and we could all see that she is definitely a girl.

She was so active! The ultrasound technician asked me if I had just eaten a snack (I had some pizza before we left), because she was bouncing all around. Apparently baby girl likes pizza :-) We got to watch her flip from her back to her tummy, and return to her back! It looked like she was doing yoga with all the stretching and flexing going on. It was pretty amazing to see.

Baby girl weighs a whole 8 ounces! I was wondering how big our baby was since I'm not showing very much. Her anatomy looked perfect, strong heartbeat at 153bpm, and she's right on track with growth! What a relief to know we have a healthy baby on the way.

This evening when James and I got home, I was laying on the floor on my tummy on my laptop, and I felt the baby move for the FIRST time! She kicked 3 times. It was amazing to feel! Today has been such a good day. I can't wait to feel her move again! Maybe I should eat more pizza? :-)



1 comment:

  1. Fantastic to see and feel her on the same day. We are so happy for both of you...and us!
