Wednesday, February 6, 2013

16 weeks - Feeling GOOD!!!

Hello everyone!

16 Weeks!
Well, this has been a busy week. Drove to Orlando on Wednesday morning, spent 4 days at the wonderful Walt Disney World, and drove back on Monday! Tuesday morning my friends here in Alabama surprised me with a 1/2 hour pregnancy massage, and spa pedicure. What a treat! My toes and feet have never looked prettier :-)

My pregnant sister-in-law and I had to be careful about the rides we went on at Disney World, but since I'm not even showing yet, I did go on Space Mountain. SO MUCH FUN!

I had an routine appointment this morning with my doctor, and asked her about the dangers of roller coasters during pregnancy. She said the concern is that rapid acceleration and deceleration can cause the placenta to shear away from its attachment to the uterus. If this placental abruption happens, the effects are pretty immediate (bleeding, miscarriage....). Yikes!

Anyways, things are going well and baby and I are healthy! His/her heartbeat this morning was a strong 153 bpm. I scheduled the anatomy/gender ultrasound for Feb 19th at 3:30pm - SO EXCITED!!! Less than 2 weeks!

James and I have a couple names picked out, but we probably won't settle on one right away. My sister-in-law warned me about choosing a name too early; once everyone else knows, it's hard to switch names if we change our minds! You can't return monogrammed baby gifts!

Can you believe that at 16 weeks, the baby's heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood per day? And he/she's even growing toenails. Wow! 

How far along are you? 16 weeks yesterday

How big is Baby?  Our little avocado-sized baby is 4.5 inches long (head to rump), and weighs about 3.5 ounces!

Weight Gain? Yesterday morning I weighed 133.6 - and this morning I weighed 134.8! Funny how weight fluctuates.

Gender? Our anatomy/gender ultrasound is scheduled for Feb 19th at 3:30pm! Less than 2 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? I took some maternity capri pants to Disney World, and they are sooo comfortable! They definitely came in handy considering how much delicious food we enjoyed :) Buut, I don't really need maternity clothes yet... My pants are just a little snug around the waist.

Sleep? After an amazing trip to Disney World, it feels good to be back in my own bed. Sleep is back to normal now!

Movement? I can't feel anything yet, but I got to HEAR movement (swoosh swoosh!) when using a heartbeat doppler!

Food Cravings? Not much. We were SO spoiled at Disney World with delicious restaurants and beautiful desserts, it's hard to crave much beyond that!

Labor Signs? Nah.

Belly Button in or out? In as usual

What I miss? As my sister-in-law and I strolled through Epcot at Disney World, we were reminded every few minutes of how many delicious adult beverages we were missing out on... Mango smoothie with rum? Drinks served in pineapples?? YUM!

Best moment of the week? So many!! Watching my nephew Nicholas giddily enjoy the Dumbo ride over and over... Enjoying AMAZING Disney restaurants with my mother-and-sister-in-law... Going to IKEA and buying a dresser and shelf for the NURSERY! .... Getting treated to a morning at the spa... and coming home after 6 days to my loving husband!

What I am looking forward to? My husband's Graduation Ball is on Thursday, so I'm excited for dressing up in my new sparkly black gown, and seeing James in his dress mess uniform (the same he wore for our wedding!).



1 comment:

  1. Very cute blog Martha. Jeni and I are really excited to hear whether it is a boy or girl!
