Tuesday, June 4, 2013

33 weeks - We're having a baby NEXT MONTH!

Happy June, everyone!

33 weeks!
Just over 2 weeks until summer begins! I wonder what kind of weather we'll experience here in Kansas. I've heard that last year around this time, it was already in the 100 degree zone (and humid!). Whew! Luckily, we've been enjoying some beautiful 70-80 degree weather.

It's so much fun to be able to say that next month, we'll have a baby! I can't believe how quickly our lives are about to change forever. Time to cherish these last weeks of doing whatever we feel like, because soon our lives will revolve around the needs of our tiny infant. Is she well-rested? Fed? Comfortable? Warm enough? Wearing a clean diaper? So many things to keep track of in the current moment, and so many things to plan for when we're away from the house! Nothing will be simple anymore.

That being said, what an amazing privilege it is to care for a newborn! One of the books I'm reading right now encourages new parents to view the constant care they provide (at 1am, 2am, 3am...) as a way of humbly serving their baby. I like thinking about it like that - instead of being grumpy about waking up for the 4th time during the night for a feeding or diaper change, we should see it as a privilege to serve this tiny being during this short helpless period of its life.

I wonder all the time about what kind of baby Zoie will be - will she cry a lot? Will she get the hang of breastfeeding right away? When will she start crawling? What will she look like? I can't WAIT to meet her!

On Wednesday, James had his Daddy Basics class (along with the other guys whose wives signed them up), and it was great to hear that he enjoyed it! I know he's going to be amazing dad. Zoie is a lucky girl :)

Here's our baby at 33 weeks of development:

Baby, fetus at 33 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along are you? 33 weeks along - Only 49 days until her due date!
How big is Baby?
Zoie should be just over 4 pounds now, and just over 17 inches long from head to heel. She's about the size of a hefty pineapple.

Weight Gain? My morning weight was 149. Total weight gain = 17.5lb.

Gender? Girl!

Maternity Clothes? Yep! I'm pretty well set for the next 7 weeks. My next project is to find a couple of awesome nursing bras... easier said than done!

Sleep? Sleep is still going pretty well, but I really miss sleeping on my back! Since my belly is getting heavier, I'm a little more nervous about my abdomen resting on my major blood vessels (thus reducing blood flow to Zoie, not to mention my lower body). Zoie regularly tickles my ribs and hip if I lay on my left side, so laying on my right side is my only option sometimes. Blah.

Movement? Yes, all the time! Lots of big shifting movement, and some random jabs/kicks. Her most active time of day is when I first wake up, while I'm still in bed. I've figured out a comparison for her movement. If you close your eyes and lightly touch your eyelid while moving your eyes left and right, that's what my belly feels like!

Food Cravings? Mango, maple bars, and milk chocolate. And anything cheesy or creamy.

Labor Signs? Nope, nothing this week either.

Belly Button in or out? Stretching a little wider, but not poking out any further this week.

What I miss? Being able to to exercise and be active the way I used to. I can't wait to go mountain biking, take intense yoga and fitness classes, and regain the feeling of agility!

Best moment(s) of the week? Weekends are always the best. James and I met up with some friends at a dive bar on Friday night, which is actually less than a 10 minute walk from our house! They had the best DJ - throwing back dance hits from high school and college. It might be a new hangout place for us, haha! On Sunday, we had some friends stay with us on their road trip to Colorado. I got to hold and snuggle their 3 month old baby girl, and it made me so excited for our own little Zoie next month.

What I am looking forward to? The weekend. No particular plans yet, but I love just spending time with James doing whatever we feel like. We only have 7 more weekends alone together until Zoie is due to arrive!



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