Tuesday, June 11, 2013

34 weeks - The 6 week countdown!

Hi everyone,

34 weeks!
Things are HOT here in Kansas. Only six more weeks of being hot and pregnant (fingers crossed)! The time has come where I'm starting to feel uncomfortable pretty frequently. Zoie moves all the time... morning afternoon and night! It's wonderful for her development, but it still feels pretty bizarre (not to mention distracting and ticklish). I'm sure I'll miss it once she's born, so I'm trying to enjoy pregnancy as much as I can. It's an incredible experience, but I can't say that I love being pregnant.

I had my 34 week checkup yesterday, and things are still looking great. My nurse practitioner was checking Zoie's heart rate, a steady 144 BPM, when suddenly Zoie kicked the Doppler and her heart rate jumped to 175 BPM! My nurse said that was a great sign that Zoie is healthy. She explained that a distressed baby's heart rate won't increase when she kicks or is stimulated. Way to go Zoie!

My next appointment is in two weeks, where I'll be tested for group B streptococcus (a quick little vaginal swab). I really hope I test negative - my nurse said that about 30% of women test positive for group B strep. It's not a disease and there aren't any symptoms for the mother, but testing positive means that the mother can pass group B strep onto her baby during labor, which can make the baby ill. To reduce the risk of this, hospitals give women who test positive an IV of antibiotics during labor. The IV takes about 30 minutes to administer, which is 30 minutes longer than I want to spend tied to the bed with a needle in my arm! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be easing through contractions in the whirlpool for 90% of the time.

Also at our 36 week appointment, we will get to see Zoie on the ultrasound! I'm SO excited to see our sweet baby, she's going to be so big and developed! However, I also feel a little weird about having a third ultrasound... there hasn't been any long-term research to guarantee how safe they are for babies. Besides, the measurements and weight that ultrasounds estimate can be pretty unreliable. I'm curious how Zoie will measure up this time around, but I'm not too worried if she looks "small".

Here's our little lady at 34 weeks of development:

Baby, fetus at 34 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along are you? 34 weeks - only 42 days left until her due date!
How big is Baby?
Zoie should weigh about 4.75 pounds, and measure almost 18 inches long. She's the size of a cantaloupe!

Weight Gain? My morning weight was 150 (150!!). Total weight gain = 18.5lb.

Gender? Baby girl!

Maternity Clothes? Yes indeed. I really like my maternity clothes, so luckily I'm not sick of them yet! To all the ladies out there, buy maternity items early before you need them! Then you can spend time selecting really cute clothes on sale.

Sleep? Some nights are better than others. I wake up a lot to use the bathroom (nothing new), but can usually fall asleep again pretty easily. If I stretch and flex my legs in the morning (or middle of the night), sometimes it triggers an intense calf cramp! A few mornings ago, I cried out in pain and woke up James because it hurt so badly! Luckily cramps only last 15-20 seconds, and then I spend a few minutes soothing the muscle with gentle stretching.

Movement? She never stops! I think her naps are becoming less frequent. She gets the hiccups several times each day.

Food Cravings? Mango has been the most consistent craving. I even bought a can of mango nectar and enjoyed it over ice. So good!

Labor Signs? Nothing yet (I don't think). My nurse practitioner said that it would be normal to feel my belly tightening for about 1 minute at a time on random occasions (Braxton-Hicks contractions). Sometimes I feel a tightening in my belly, but I realize it's just Zoie shifting around trying to high-five me.

Belly Button in or out? Poking out a tiny bit more. A little odd, but the skin on my poked-out bit is baby soft!

What I miss? Being generally comfortable sitting/lying down/standing. My belly feels large and in charge, and shifting positions is getting awkward. I can hardly bend forward, Zoie is blocking all my space! I miss being able to put on shoes (and socks, underwear, pants...) with ease.

Best moment(s) of the week? Yesterday, I enjoyed an hour-long prenatal massage... it was amazing! I got to lay on my side, snuggled with a soft body pillow that contoured my body. Soft music, dim lights, sweet smelling oils and lotion... and Zoie was party-rocking! The more relaxed I felt, the more active she became! I think we both bad a good time :)

What I am looking forward to? This weekend is a 4-day weekend for James! First of all, I'm really looking forward to getting my Subaru's AC fixed on Friday. Hundred degree heat is the perfect time for it to break, eh? We're thinking of driving over to Omaha, Nebraska for a night this weekend - they have an amazing zoo!




  1. You're getting close! And they can run the IV while you're in the tub so no worries :)
