Wednesday, April 24, 2013

27 weeks - Hello Seattle!

27 weeks!
I’ve arrived in the great Northwest, and it feels so good to be back! Green trees, crisp mountains, beautiful beaches... it's wonderful. Sunny blue skies are a treat, since it was snowing in Kansas when I left this morning! 

Next week will begin our third trimester in pregnancy. Zoie will be here (hopefully!) 3 months from today! Only three short months to finish prepping for our baby to arrive. Wow.

James and I finished painting the nursery this weekend, and it's really coming together! The walls are now a pretty aqua blue color. Once I sew some curtains (coral and white), I'll post some photos of the room.

In other baby news, I passed my Glucose Screening Test! Thankfully, my body rocks at processing sugar. It's kind of a funny test that involves 12 hours of fasting, a tall cup of syrupy fruit punch, and 3 blood draws. I celebrated not having gestational diabetes by going home and enjoying carbs :)

This week was also our second class at the hospital - Infant CPR! It was actually kind of lame, and it focused more on common-sense first aid for children. However, I will not forget - if an infant has no pulse and isn't breathing, perform 30 chest compressions (using two fingers) and 2 breaths! At least having this bit of emergency training makes me feel more prepared to be a mom. I still feel like I should have a license or something to be a parent - there's so much to learn!

Here's an update on Zoie's 27th week development:

Baby, fetus at 27 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along are you? 27 weeks today. These weeks are suddenly flying by!
How big is Baby?
Zoie should be close to 2lb, similar to a head of cauliflower. She’s about 14.5 inches long from head to heel (though I think she spends most of her time scrunched up in a ball).

Weight Gain? My current weight is about 143, so that’s 11.5 pounds gained over the last 27 weeks. Sometimes I make James pick me up just to reassure me I’m not an elephant yet…

Gender? Zoie Elizabeth is a GIRL!

Maternity Clothes? I’ve packed all my maternity items for my trip to Seattle! It’s hard to predict my body change for the next two weeks, so I want to make sure I have lots of comfy clothes. Of course, I’ll enjoy some shopping while I’m here…

Sleep? Sleep is ok, but getting a little more tricky. I’m definitely experiencing more pregnancy symptoms. My head gets congested every single night when I lay down, which turns me into an awkward mouth-breather if Kleenex isn’t doing the trick. Also, sometimes I wake up with mild leg cramps! These just happened in the last week or two.

Movement? Her movement is so funny! Sometimes it tickles (i.e., the spot right above my hip, usually if I’m lying on my side). She’s getting so big that I can feel her entire body move when my hand is on my belly. She has periods of crazy activity and periods of sleep, but I can’t figure out if she has a schedule.

Food Cravings? Milk, dairy, cheese, and anything creamy.

Labor Signs? I think I might have had a Braxton Hicks contraction! I’m not really sure. It was on the plane, so I was a little cramped anyways. I felt my lower back muscles tense up for a few moments, and then release.

Belly Button in or out? It’s continuing to look strange as it stretches and pushes outward. I had an in-betweenie belly button anyways, so it might pop out more than those lucky women with true innie belly buttons!

What I miss? I do miss my old body. I don’t mind my new shape, but pregnancy does strange things! I have random skin rashes and dry patches, just discovered some spider veins yesterday, and my legs are a bit swollen around my knees. It’s painful if I sit back on my heels from kneeling, because the skin/muscle around my knees feel pinched! It’s SO weird.

Best moment(s) of the week? Today! It was SOO good to see my parents and some of my best friends. We all have much more catching up to do over the next two weeks!

What I am looking forward to? Spending time with my parents and my friends! I can’t wait to walk around Seattle, hit up Pike Place Market and my favorite shopping areas, visit the blooming tulip fields, go to a Mariners Game, watch a dance performance, eat at my favorite pizzeria, and visit the first Spring farmers market.



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