Sunday, March 8, 2015

16 Weeks - Enjoying 2nd Trimester

Randomly wearing the same
shirt as last time at 16 weeks!
16 weeks, yahoo!

This has been a great week! I'm feeling good, I've had several nights of good sleep, and I'm enjoying more baby kicks.

Our Kansas weather has finally turned warm, and it's been life-changing! We've been outside every day going on walks, BBQing and hanging out on our deck, visiting with neighbors, and of course, going to the playground! Zoie loves being outside, and it's such a relief not to be cooped up inside anymore.

Zoie is growing into quite a decisive little toddler. Lately she's been very opinionated with little things like putting on shoes or a sweater, taking a bath (or being done with the bath), and brushing her teeth (or wanting to continue brushing forever). Little things can quickly become huge issues with big drama! It's kind of funny, but can be frustrating for us of course. We try to use humor and redirecting to keep the peace. She definitely doesn't want to listen to logic at this stage!

Zoie also started taunting our little dog. She'll take Brownie's toy and tease her with it, but she'll get mad if Brownie actually takes it. Sometimes Zoie gets a little rough with Brownie because she isn't playing the way Zoie wants her to play! I'm envisioning some big sister drama with her little sibling in the future... Oh well, one day at a time!

How far along are you? 16 weeks as of Friday.
How big is Baby?
 Baby #2 is about 4 1/2 inches long from head to rump, and weighs 3 1/2 ounces! About the size of an avocado.

Weight Gain? My weight fluctuates so much! I weigh half a pound less than last week. Total gain is 3.5 lb.

Gender? I seriously can't wait to find out! Our sonogram is scheduled for April 16th. We might possibly reschedule for a few days earlier, but it depends on James' schedule.

Maternity Clothes? Still wearing my looser jeans and regular shirts. The weather just turned warm, so I started wearing my favorite maternity cropped jeans. They slide down a bit a the moment, but they're so comfortable!

Sleep? Lately, Zoie has been sleeping really well most nights! Which means I've been sleeping much better too. Zoie has started waking up in the morning and playing by herself for 20 minutes before knocking on her door for me to come get her. I definitely enjoy the extra time for myself.

Movement? This week, I've noticed much more movement! This baby is getting strong. It won't be long before we'll be able to feel movement from outside my belly, which will be SO fun to share with James and Zoie!

Food Cravings? Not much has changed, and I'm enjoying most food right now. Even if I had cravings, I'm too busy with Zoie to think much about them. We don't eat a lot of grains in our family, but I have noticed that when I do eat them, I crave them even more! Gluten can be addicting. Most days I try to stay away.

Labor Signs? Nothing.

Symptoms? Is my skin glowing yet? I'm waiting.

What I miss? I would say alcohol, but I've been having a great time being the DD. This Saturday we went to our city's annual "Fake Patty's Day" celebration, a street party infused with drunken college kids and bars packed with DJs spinning Pitbull and Ludacris all afternoon long. It was really fun! My lemonade and orange juice drinks were fabulous. (FYI, Zoie was at home with her Papa!)

Best moment(s) of the week? James' parents watched Zoie for us a couple times so we could get out with our friends, and it was awesome to have some adult time! Ahhhhh it's refreshing to revisit our young pre-baby days.

What I am looking forward to? I'm looking forward to more warm weather this week! James is leaving soon for training, so we'll miss him for a while. Looking forward to spending as much time with him as I can this week!



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